Tottori University Faculuty Of Medicine Division Of Urology

JSPS 外国人特別研究員採用 Tsounapi Panagiota


Panagiota Tsounapi
Since April 2013 I will have the opportunity to continue the research in the field of Andrology as a Post-Doc fellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS; 日本学術振興会) thanks to Professor Atsushi Takenaka's support and scientific guidance.
Being awarded the JSPS Fellowship is a big responsibility and challenge for me. Furthermore, it is a big honor and I will put the highest personal effort to exceed expectations and contribute the best way I can to the Urology Department under Professor Takenaka's leadership.
I am very excited and I would like to thank all the members of the Urology Department for the hospitality, support and acceptance they have provided me all these years.