2020年 研究業績

英文 学術論文

  • Kajitani N, Iwata M, Miura A, Tsunetomi K, Yamanashi T, Matsuo R, Nishiguchi T, Fukuda S, Nagata M, Shibushita M, Yamauchi T, Pu S, Shirayama Y, Watanabe K, Kaneko K. Prefrontal cortex infusion of beta-hydroxybutyrate, an endogenous NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitor, produces antidepressant-like effects in a rodent model of depression. Neuropsychopharmacol Rep. (2020).
  • Muneoka K, Oda Y, Iwata M, Iyo M, Hashimoto K, Shirayama Y., Monoaminergic Balances Predict Non-Depression-Like Phenotype in Learned Helplessness Paradigm. Neuroscience. 25: 30192-5. (2020)
  • Shirayama Y, Fujita Y, Oda Y, Iwata M, Muneoka K, Hashimoto K., Allopregnanolone induces antidepressant-like effects through BDNF-TrkB signaling independent from AMPA receptor activation in a rat learned helplessness model of depression., Behavioural Brain Research. Epub ahead (2020)

和文 学術論文

  • 板倉征史, 兼子幸一.
    特集I 認知リハビリテーションの可能性: 気分障害への応用
    月刊 精神科 vol.36(3) 230–234, 2020
  • 岩田正明:うつ病の炎症性神経障害仮説. 精神科臨床Legato, 6: 22-27, (2020)