2008年 研究業績

英文 学術論文

  • Kaneko K, Tamamaki N, Owada H, Kakizaki T, Kume N, Totsuka M, Yamamoto T, Yawo H, Yagi T, Obata K, Yanagawa Y.
    Noradrenergic excitation of a subpopulation of GABAergic cells in the basolateral amygdala via both activation of nonselective cationic conductance and suppression of resting K+ conductance: a study using glutamate decarboxylase 67-green fluorescent protein knock-in mice. Neuroscience. 2008; 157: 781-97.
  • Satake T, Mitani H, Nakagome K, Kaneko K.
    Individual and additive effects of neuromodulators on the slow components of afterhyperpolarization currents in layer V pyramidal cells of the rat medial prefrontal cortex. Brain Res. 2008; 1229:47-60.
  • Pu S, Matsumura H, Yamada T, Ikezawa S, Mitani H, Adachi A, Nakagome K.
    Reduced frontopolar activation during verbal fluency task associated with poor social functioning in late-onset major depression: Multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2008; 62: 728-37.
  • Makinodan M, Tatsumi K, Okuda H, Manabe T, Yamauchi T, Noriyama Y, Kishimoto T, Wanaka A. Lysophosphatidylcholine induces delayed myelination in the juvenile ventral hippocampus and behavioral alterations in adulthood. Neurochem Int. 2008 ; 53: 374-81.
  • Makinodan M, Tatsumi K, Manabe T, Yamauchi T, Makinodan E, Matsuyoshi H, Shimoda S, Noriyama Y, Kishimoto T, Wanaka A. Maternal immune activation in mice delays myelination and axonal development in the hippocampus of the offspring. J Neurosci Res. 2008; 86: 2190-200.

和文 学術論文

  • 兼子幸一
    III. 副作用各論-重大な副作用-精神神経系 2) 行動異常
  • 佐竹隆宏,兼子幸一
    Schizophrenia Frontier
  • 兼子幸一
    第6章 治療計画, 第7章 具体的な認知機能障害の治療方略
  • 松村博史,渡辺保裕,河本勝之,吉本祐子,古和久典,中島健二.