Developing unique and innovative human resources capable of contributing to communities and international societies.
Philosophy of the Faculty of Medicine
Tottori University Faculty of Medicine nurtures innovative medical professionals and life scientists who respect the sanctity of life in mutual cooperation between the School of Medicine, the School of Life Sciences, and the School of Health Science.
Educational Goals of the Faculty of Medicine
Tottori University Faculty of Medicine, an old and traditional faculty of medicine located on the Sanin region, provides advanced education to learn medicine, life sciences, and health science appropriate for the twenty-first century and develop human resources capable of practicing them. We aim at fostering unique and innovative human resources who can solve community issues, contribute to community development, and be active globally, while cultivating limitless benevolence.
- At the School of Medicine, students are trained to be physicians who are highly ethical, have a well-rounded personality, and can provide community-based medical care practices and create cutting-edge medicine.
- At the School of Life Sciences, students are trained to respect bioethics, learn basic medicine and cutting-edge life sciences, and are trained to be researchers in medicine and its various related disciplines as well as professionals serving as a bridge between them.
- At the School of Health Science, nursing major students learn the theory and techniques behind nursing care to become nursing personnel capable of practicing community-based nursing while preserving human dignity. For clinical laboratory science majors, students are trained to be clinical laboratory technicians who respect bioethics and have acquired the skills of cutting-edge biosciences and biological/functional tests.
Mission of the Faculty of Medicine
Mission redefinition
For mission redefinition, strengths, features, and social roles (mission) of universities were organized based on objective data on research levels, outcomes of education, industrial-academic cooperation, etc. from exchanges of opinions among national universities and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.
The results of the mission redefinition for Tottori University are as follows:
Philosophy of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences
The Graduate School of Medical Sciences nurtures human resources who respect the sanctity of life and bioethics and develop community-based cutting-edge medical research and life science research related to human genomes. We strive to obtain research results that will be internationally acclaimed, to contribute to the advancement of medical science and to the peace of human beings, and to share our accomplishments with the community.
Philosophy of University Hospitals
Practice of advanced medical care in cooperation with the community
Basic Policies
【Medical care】 We provide appropriate and advanced team-based medical care from the patient’s point of view, while paying attention to patient safety.
【Education】 We nurture excellent medical professionals with a well-rounded personality and an awareness of their professional responsibilities.
【Research】 We promote research to contribute to the advancement of medical care.
【Community contribution】 We, as a cornerstone of the community, promote medical cooperation and contribute to sustainable community healthcare.
【Globalization】 We promote international exchange to deliver next-generation medical care to the world.
【Hospital operation】 We aspire to operate our hospital efficiently and soundly.