Obstetrics and Gynecology
Individual Homepage address
Professor: Fuminori Taniguchi
Junior Associate Professor: Shinya Sato
Junior Associate Professor: Takashi Harada
Junior Associate Professor: Hiroaki Komatsu
Assistant Professor: Yukihiro Azuma
Assistant Professor: Eri Sato
Assistant Professor: Kei Nagira
Assistant Professor: Mayumi Sawada
Assistant Professor: Keisuke Miyamoto
Features of the Department
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is comprised of three divisions: perinatal medicine, reproductive medicine, and gynecologic oncology. A fundamental goal of our department is to conduct highly advanced medicine based on the active promotion of research and education. Besides standard medical treatment, we aim to offer advanced treatment to patients by constantly developing technology and theoretical knowledge. Our academic activities and efforts are focused on molecular-based and translational research. We feel that basic research should be evaluated in terms of its impact, because the profits of research must be returned to clinical fields contributing to the improvement of clinical outcomes of patients. In addition to our commitment to provide clinical care, we place a major emphasis on research and education focused on resolving clinical and basic research problems with the ultimate goal of improving patient care. We have established a department where young medical students and residents can enjoy a comfortable atmosphere and the opportunity to work together.
Research areas
a)Perinatal medicine
1. Elucidation of abnormal placental features in the pathophysiology of pregnancy induced-hypertension (PIH)
2. Etiological mechanisms and prevention of chorioamnionitis
3. Role of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors on placental formation
b)Reproductive medicine
1. Involvement of proinflammatory cytokine production in the pathophysiology of endometriosis
2. Elucidation of apoptosis-resistant characteristics of endometriosis-derived cells
3. Expression and action of estrogen receptors in the pathogenesis of endometriosis
4. Basic and epidemiological research in malignant transformation of ovarian chocolate cyst
5. Role of estrogen receptor in folliculogenesis and ovulation
6. Elucidation of intracellular signaling mechanism in ovarian granulosa cells in folliculogenesis
c)Gynecologic oncology
1. Mechanisms of chemotherapy-resistance in ovarian cancer
2. Elucidation of gene expression profiling in etiology and progression of endometrial cancer
3. Assessment of comprehensive clinical treatment for uterine cervical cancer
4. Large clinical trial collaboration with Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) in the USA